• Date: 06/25/2023
    Short Answer: Fun. Long Answer: Not to be the best bass player in the world, but to be the best bass player I possibly can be through hard work and sheer force of will. To create cool and entertaining Progressive-Rock and Progressive-Metal music with influences from other genres like Post-Punk, Funk, Industrial, Pop and Video Game Music.

    I’m currently working on my first and second solo albums at the same time, Something Else, Instead and Sheer Force of Will. These are albums that I started writing in 2013, and I still haven’t released them because I wrote music too complicated for myself to play, LMAO. It doesn’t help that since COVID happened I’ve been out of practice, but newfound enthusiasm in 2023 has propelled me into getting back into musical shape.

    My goal is to have each album released in 2024 and 2025 respectively, but plans can always change and also depends on how musically fit I am to play these songs. Fingers crossed it all works out.

  • Date: 06/25/2023
    To re-discover my love for it. As of 2023 I have worked in the animation industry for 8 years. The animation industry is notorious for its burnout, and after 8 years the burnout can compound until you need an extended break from it. During those 8 years I rarely made animation for myself because I don’t like to bring my work home with me, and in a lot of ways I feel like a dinosaur in the industry that needs to learn new tricks, or at least learn Harmony.

    I am in awe and a little envious of creators and animators who are able to do such amazing animation on their own time for the fun and love for animation. In this day and age the amount of raw talent out there by inspired ameteaurs and professionals alike is very inspiring, and it makes me want to take the time to re-learn animation and see what I can do with it.

    I don’t have many dreams or goals when it comes to what I want to create with animation, however I do have two dreams that I would like to see fulfilled in some form in my life. The first dream is a little easier, but I would love to make an animated movie out of Ayreon’s (Arjen Anthony Lucassen) rock-opera album The Human Equation. The second, but impossible dream, is to make a 5-season anime adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion, my favorite fantasy novel of all time. The goal would be to make it as faithful to Tolkien’s vision as possible with the same love that Peter Jackson put into making the LOTR movies, and not in the way Amazon’s Rings of Power shit over every aspect of Tolkien’s legendarium.

  • Date: 06/27/2023

    This might sound like a strange answer, but I’m writing this fantasy series of mine mostly for myself. This was mostly inspired by the LOTR: Two Towers DVD behind-the-scenes bit where they described how J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis decided to write their respective fantasy series because they wanted to write the kind of stories they would want to read. I think I’m more in love with the process of creating the story than actually getting it out there for the public, and when the day comes when it is released to the public it’ll be more like: If it’s released, then that means I’m satisfied with the story, and if other people happen to like it, then hooray!

    In the years before, I became fascinated with the New Age and Occult Movements, and a lot of that inspiration made it into the story. However, in the winter of 2023 I’ve put my fantasy series on pause. I began discovering things about the darker sides of the New Age movement that put the whole “ancient mythology” section of the story into question. 2023 onward will be about further research and further clarification about what these spiritual movements actually believe. Let’s just say that I don’t want to put into my story elements for any left or right extremist movements to latch onto (It goes both ways).

    At the end of the day, I just want to write a fantasy series that’s fun, entertaining, consistent and, if at all possible, move the hearts of the readers emotionally in the way that my hero and biggest influence Tolkien has done whenever I read The Silmarillion.

    During my years as an animator I rarely took time for myself to draw on paper or digitally for my own pleasure. In a lot of ways I feel like I’ve regressed as an artist. From 2023 onward one of my goals is to get back into drawing again and try to become the artist I always wanted to be. My biggest challenge will be perspective, landscapes and nature. I love drawing characters, but backgrounds are a challenge for me. Hopefully it is a mental/artistic block that I can overcome.

  • Date: 06/25/2023

    Maybe. I feel like it’s too early to open a Patreon at this point because I don’t have enough content to warrant opening things up for donations. If, somehow, I gain enough of an audience that people would be willing to support my work I would consider it then.

    In the meantime, the best way to support me would be through word-of-mouth. If there is any content on this site worth sharing with other people then feel free to do so.

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