Art & Fantasy

My Fantasy Story

The Story So Far…

Updated: 3/8/2024

In August 2004 when I was 12-years old I decided I wanted to create my own fantasy world that I would release as a video game series. Over the years, for whatever reason, I never stopped picking away at the story, and even nearly 20 years later in 2024 I'm still adding, subtracting, solidifying and revising my series. In college, I changed my mind on the video game medium after realizing there would probably be more cut-scenes than actual gameplay, and after reading most of the graphic novel series Fables I decided I wanted to make my fantasy series a graphic novel series. From 2018 - 2022 I spent more time than any other period going hard on the story and fleshing out the universe than I ever did before. However in 2023 changes of mind and plans led to great upheavals in the story that has set it back and it’s almost like going back to the drawing board.

The fantasy story is inspired by many things. The main three pillars of inspiration for me were The Silmarillion, The Legend of Zelda and Inuyasha. Many other inspirations that have influenced the story over time include world mythology/religion, world history, alternative history, the New Age and Occult Movements, sacred geometry, psychedelics and the Stoned-Ape-Hypothesis, languages and etymologies, catastrophism, the Electric Universe, Hollow Earth, the Tartaria-Mudflood-Hypothesis, series like all 6 Star Wars movies, Rurouni Kenshin, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Big Lez ShowStudio Ghibli, and pre-2017 Doctor Who, as well as the works of Graham Hanncock, Billy Carson, Randall Carlson, Terrance McKennaPaul Stamets, Jordan Peterson, Helena Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner, and YouTubers Spirit Science, Bright Insight, Robert Sepehr, Greg Jay, Mind Unveiled, WendigoonThe Vile Eye, Artifexian, Biblaridon and Overly Sarcastic Productions among others. My intention for the next few years is to delve deeper into world mythology and history and to learn as much as I can about this beautiful world we live in to gather as much info as I need for worldbuilding and creating the history of this secondary fictional world.

It is a lifelong endeavor to work on this story of mine in my own time for my own pleasure with the intention of one day releasing it when it’s finished. I could be 32 or 57 when it’s finished, what matters the most is for the story to become as consistent and airtight with as little contradictions, retcons or loose threads as possible, and to do so requires a solid worldbuilding foundation. That is where I am at now. After all the zany ideas I’ve cultivated over the years it’s now time to lay the foundation for the ideas to make sense. However long it takes is however long it takes.

[FSA] = “Fantasy Story Art”
[PHN] = “Placeholder Name”